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Marshall High School
Class Of 1962 |
Welcome to the Marshall High Class Of 1962 web site. Add any additional home page content here...
In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address noreply@classcreator.net (that's a .net, not a .com).
What is whitelisting? Whitelisting simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site and our Classmates. The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address noreply@classcreator.net.
Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address noreply@classcreator.net when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email. Whitelisting noreply@classcreator.net is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving your emails from your fellow Classmates.
Stop and take a moment to whitelist noreply@classcreator.net right now, and ensure you stay connected!
In a nutshell, add this address to your contact list to prevent e-mails from this site being classified as "spam".
Great news! We have a brand new Classmate Profiles format on our class web site. The new format is much more dynamic and engaging and I think you'll really enjoy it.
Log into the site and click your "Edit Profile" link to see the changes. You can now do some new things like:
- Upload a "Then" photo of how you looked in your high school years.
- Upload a "Now" photo showing what you look like today. It's interesting seeing the Then & Now photos side by side.
- Upload a "Yearbook" photo (if one has not already been provided)
- Click the photo gallery icon in the upper right to add more Profile photos. It's now faster and easier to add any photos you want.
- Click the videos tab then paste in a video link, such as a Youtube video link (just copy the web address of the video from your browser's address bar). Voila, the video has been added to your Profile!
- Quickly toggle back and forth from Profile Edit view to Profile Preview view by clicking the button at the top of your Profile.
The Profile display now includes 2 new engaging features:
- Classmates can make comments on various items throughout your Profile. Give it a look! If you prefer others not comment on your Profile items you can remove the ability to comment by clicking Edit Profile and turning off the Comments feature.
- A "Latest Interactions" section is now included. This is an aggregation of interactions you have made around the web site. Note this new section is not displaying behavioral tracking. For instance where you go and what you do on the site is private, and not listed here. Latest Interactions only displays an aggregation of interactions already available on other areas of the web site.
Please log into the web site and take a look at both your Profile Edit screen and the Profile Display. I hope you enjoy these great new features!
by Amy Holcomb
Missing classmates that have not been contacted are:
Ed Camp, Finley Chambers, Sue Cromer, Galen Fyffe, Jeannette Grigsby Kensy, William T. Hall, Sandra Jane Irwin, Peggy Jones, Betty Kennedy, Kay McMahon, Pat O'Leary Jones, David Patterson, Robert Ray, Carol Smith and Doug Thompson.
Should you have their email address, physical address or phone number, please email me with that information at: abas@suddenlink.net
The web site for Marshall High School classes 1962 through 1969 can be accessed by going to:
Check it out! It is quite impressive!
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you its only seed.
It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dyin'
That never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose.
Preparations are being made for the 2012 reunion by Seated L-R: Sandra K. Thomason, Johnette Loyd, Brenda Simpson, Angela Bailey, Jane Faust, Anita Pace and Standing L-R: Shirley Frobese, Kay S. Blackmon, Terry Holley, Shirley Munden, Dolores Carrington.